make your marketing work. Make it work W.E.L.L!

IMPACT Club Membership

Special Beta Offer...

Enter your details below and select which subscription best suits you right now. You can upgrade/downgrade, pause or cancel at any time.

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Step 2Choose Your Membership

4.9/5 star reviews by 100+ clients

Founding Member Partnership:

We're not perfect (yet). As a founding member, you're helping shape The IMPACT Club!

We welcome your feedback & appreciate your understanding as we grow. In exchange for your partnership:

  • You get special Founders pricing & bonuses

  • We ask for your constructive feedback to help us improve

  • If you encounter any issues, please reach out via your Impact Club Dashboard

Today Just

$97 monthly, or

$970 yearly (plus Bonuses)


"Booked 4 Paid Clients Last Week!"

"March has been my highest grossing month in business to date! $25k and enjoyed a fantastic spring break last week :)"


"Clearly, something has shifted..."

"I was about to renew the lease on my brick-n-mortar PT business charging by the hour. Instead, I repackaged what I do. And now? My clients are getting better results. I'm making more money (without needing the physical location)."


"Holy Cow You Guys, It's A $10k Day!"

"Our pregnancy & postpartum fitness business is on track to blow last year's entire revenues out of the water very soon - and it’s only March 15 🔥"



"Hit our all time monthly revenue in 3.5 years, almost $60,000...BOOM! MTS wizardry strikes!"

Still Not Sure?

(when you thrive, humanity thrives)


Get a 14 Day No-Questions Money Back Guarantee

That’s how confident we are that you’ll love The IMPACT Club experience.

How it works

Just say “maybe” and try The IMPACT Club out for 14 days, and if you aren’t super excited, we’ll give you the money back plus buy you a detox smoothie, no questions asked.

Simply email us at [email protected] and we'll cancel your membership and promptly refund you the full amount plus a smoothie gift card.

14 Day No-Questions Money Back Guarantee

the impact Club

Frequently Asked Questions

Who’s the IMPACT Club perfect for?

Any business with a core focus on improving people's physical, mental and/or emotional health.

From mending marriages to healing hearts to aligning spines to disease & dysfunction root cause resolution...the IMPACT Club is flexible for all wellness offers. Especially those using functional, integrative, holistic, longevity or regenerative modalities.

Even though the IMPACT Club was created for health & wellness companies, the foundational marketing & sales principles apply to other industries, too. As long as you're using your expertise, knowledge and/or skills to help solve a major life or business problem, you'll likely find the IMPACT Club powerful.

Is it for new or existing businesses?


We include a MIX of proven marketing & sales strategies, templates, tools & guides to support health & wellness companies at any stage (brand new to decades old) and any size (from solopreneurs to larger companies).

Use this guide to help determine if the IMPACT Club is for your company:

Beginner Businesses

✔️ New or several years old but hasn't grown

✔️ Small warm network (0-1,000 emails & SM combined)

✔️ Few or no systems in place and wants an all in one system.

✔️Optimistic but inconsistent and lacking confidence

✔️ Unsure of the best marketing strategy for their business and available time

✔️ Need affordable access to help due to low profitability

Intermediate Businesses

✔️ Medium-Sized warm network (1,000-5,000 emails & SM combined)

✔️ Marketing processes in place but inefficient

✔️ Tried various marketing strategies, seeking better ROI and optimization

✔️ Need to leverage growing email list for more clients

✔️ Open to switching to an all in one platform or needs help with a Go High Level account they just set up

✔️ Wants to ask questions without breaking the bank and an affordable roadmap to dig into new ideas and do things themselves

Advanced Businesses

✔️ Large warm network (5,000+ emails & SM combined)

✔️ Processes and systems in place, may need overhaul

✔️ Profitable but seeking better profits, possibly expanding locations

✔️ Need to leverage their email list better and wants quick tips

✔️ Open to switching to an all in one platform or needs help with a Go High Level account they just set up

✔️ Require better checks and balances for marketing, as it sometimes stops working

✔️Can do the work with quick guidance and direction from someone and wants to save more money than time on their marketing efforts right now.

What exactly do I get when I join the IMPACT Club?

A lot. See the IMPACT Club features list above.

What's the difference between Monthly Basic & Annual Pro memberships?

5 big differences:

1) Saving $$$ Money

-Annual Pro members get 2 months free over paying for Monthly Basic.

2) IMPACT Quick Funnel Templates

-Monthly Basic members get 1 proven template.

-Annual Pro members get all 4 of our proven funnels to generate leads, including our special gateway offer template to generate cash flow.

3) IMPACT Island Access

-Monthly Basic members get drip only access. This means all the training, templates, tools & guides are slowly released over 6 months.

-Annual Pro members unlock FULL immediate access to everything in the vault. No drips so they can make "speed to lead" faster.

4) Full Script

-Monthly Basic members receive a personal account with 30% off all orders.

-Annual Pro members ALSO get a business wholesale account so they increase their recurring revenue streams. While certain Full Script conditions apply for wholesale accounts, we'll help you set it up.

5) Annual Pro ONLY Bonuses

-AI Email Writr Account available to first 50 annual memberships.

-Behaviour Change Course - Get your clients stronger results in a shorter period of time. This increases client satisfaction so they refer more people to you.

-Time Mastery Course - Wake up more productive than ever!

-VIP access to all previous paid workshops

- Priority First Access To all new trainings & templates

How fast will I see results?

Any business joining the IMPACT club must be ready to do the majority of the implementation themselves…(part of what makes this so affordable). If you want someone to just do it for you can inquire about our DFY services HERE

Results depend on several factors. Including but not limited to:

1) Monthly or Annual Membership

If speed to lead is key, you're going to want to unlock full access plus all the extra perks & bonuses with the Annual Pro Plan. Monthly Basic Members only get drip access over 6 months.

2) Company Stage

Seasoned companies tend to have a stronger foundation, hence can move faster than startups. But new companies often have more flexibility and can surpass established business.

3) Previous Marketing Efforts

If you have done ZERO marketing, have no followers or have an old inactive email list, you're probably going to move slower than a company that has been actively marketing & connecting with their followers every day.

4) Your Mindset

Yeah, we know...mindset, mindset, mindset. It's become white noise.


We've seen brand new startups surpass 20 year-old veterans in just a few months when they have a "do or die" marketing mindset AND are open to implementing new ideas. Mindset is crucial to your success.

Is Go High Level really included free?

Just like any Go High Level account, you have the monthly subscription fee, which we cover for you. And then there are additional fees for:

1) special apps (you likely won't need)

2) sending outgoing messages like emails & texts (which you likely will need).

Don't worry, it's silly cheap. For example: an account with 5,000 contacts that sends out 20 emails a month to their list (i.e. 1 email a day M-F), that's 100,000 emails sent in one month. Based on current pricing, the additional fee to send these 100k emails is only $9.80.

Becaause Go High Level is an all-in-one system, and we cover the monthly subscription for you, it's WAY less expensive than any other CRM / Email platform we've ever seen.

Just add up what your monthly software expenses are now, and compare to what they could be when you join The IMPACT Club.

Do I have to use Go High Level?


Many of our IMPACT Club members have existing marketing technology in place. And they join for the training, templates along with the expert support & guidance on topics like offer structure & pricing, messaging, marketing strategy & converting more prospects into paying ustomers.

But if you want to use any of our IMPACT quick funnel templates, or want our marketing tech guidance, we ONLY support IMPACT Club members using the Go High Level account we give you.

What if I get stuck and need extra support?

We have additional support options ranging from marketing & sales consulting all the way up to our top tier done-for-you services. Need help, simply reach out.

Is there a satisfaction guarantee?

Yes! You get 14 days to decide if this is right for you. You can cancel anytime for a full refund with no questions asked.

Can I cancel anytime? What happens if I do?


You may absolutely cancel at anytime.

PLEASE NOTE: When you cancel, your Go High Level account will be DELETED WITH NO BACKUP and you will LOSE ALL DATA...including your contacts, leads, payments, clients, etc.

A deleted account is unrecoverable. So please be 100% certain before cancelling your membership.

You will also lose access to all IMPACT Club resources including, but not limited to, technology, support, trainings, templates, guides & tools.

Memberships are immediately terminated upon cancellation.

We do NOT offer partial refunds for cancelling before your next payment renewal date.

14 Day No-Questions Money Back Guarantee

Copyrights 2011-2024 | MOVE THINK SMILE, LLC